Sleeping Giant - Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada

About Us

Headquartered in Thunder Bay, ON, Spruce River Construction Management & Engineering (Spruce River CME) offers the ​combination of development consulting, construction management, project management, engineering, and professional ​consulting with a focus on First Nations energy & infrastructure development projects. Having its roots in Northwestern Ontario, ​Spruce River CME understands the opportunities and challenges unique to the region, its industries, and its residents.

Our team has an experience profile that combines hands-on operational knowledge and field experience related to large-scale ​infrastructure development with professional consulting and strategic advising. We offer overlapping management experience ​that includes both professional project management and on-site construction management. Our primary strength is our ability to ​provide professional services and support from early conceptualization, to planning and design, all the way through construction, ​and any stage in between.

We continually strive to exceed the standards and expectations of our clients as well as complete work in a respectful and ​professional manner. Our primary goal is to provide the highest standard of service, reliability, and quality while also adding value ​for our clients.

Head Office

920 Tungsten St Unit 204

Thunder Bay, ON

P7B 5Z6

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Mitchell: 807.629.3645

Ben: 807.708.3626

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